Category: Personal Injury

When is a Birth Considered “Delayed”?

When you near the end of your pregnancy, you likely feel a mixture of anticipation about welcoming a new baby and nervousness about labor and delivery. No matter what, however, you are probably ready for your pregnancy to end. If you haven’t gone into labor once your due date arrives, you might feel concerned about […]

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What’s the Difference Between Fetal Malposition and Malpresentation?

Fetal malposition and fetal malpresentation are medical terms that describe the positioning of a baby before birth. Each of these positioning problems has differing characteristics, but both can increase the risks of birth injuries if they are not promptly addressed during labor and delivery. Here is some information about fetal malposition and malpresentation that you […]

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Can a Baby Get Stuck in the Birth Canal?

Because of being too large for their mothers’ birth canals or being in the wrong position or presentation, babies can sometimes get stuck during the labor and delivery process. Doctors and other labor and delivery staff are supposed to monitor the babies and mothers throughout pregnancy and before and during labor to identify risks so […]

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Can Epidurals Cause Back Pain Years Later?

Epidural injections during labor can help to relieve the pain associated with contractions and delivery. However, some women who received epidurals during labor report back pain that persists for years. While an epidural injection might leave you with some soreness at the injection site for several days or weeks, it is not typical for people […]

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