Author: Raynes & Lawn

child with birth injury in PA and parents in need of birth injury lawyers

Can You Sue For Brachial Plexus Injury?

Brachial plexus injuries, often caused during childbirth, can lead to severe lifelong complications and disabilities for the affected child. If your child has suffered a brachial plexus injury, you may be wondering if you can sue for damages. The answer is yes, and a brachial plexus injury lawyer can guide you through this complex process. […]

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young girl with cerebral palsy smiling in PA

What Is The Most Common Birth Injury?

Understanding the Most Common Birth Injuries in Philadelphia As a Philadelphia birth injury lawyer, we often encounter parents grappling with the devastating reality of their child’s birth injury. The pain and confusion are further compounded by the struggle to understand what went wrong during the delivery process. This blog post aims to shed light on […]

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NICU area in Philadelphia hospital

Is Birth Injury The Same As Birth Trauma?

As a Philadelphia birth injury lawyer, one of the most common questions we encounter is whether a birth injury is the same as birth trauma. This confusion often arises due to the interchangeable use of these terms in medical and legal contexts. However, it’s crucial to understand that while they may seem similar, they have […]

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pregnant woman sad because baby suffered a catastrophic birth injury

Impact of Catastrophic Birth Injuries: Navigating Life After in PA

The birth of a child is typically a joyous occasion filled with excitement and hopes for the future. However, when complications arise during delivery, resulting in a catastrophic birth injury, families are left devastated and unsure of how to proceed. In Pennsylvania, many parents face this heartbreaking reality, grappling with questions about why it happened […]

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