Will My Child’s Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury Case Go To Trial?

pregnant woman before knowing about birth injury

If you’re a parent grappling with the aftermath of a shoulder dystocia birth injury, you’re likely overwhelmed with questions and concerns. One burning question might be whether your child’s case will end up in a courtroom. Let’s dive into this complex issue and shed some light on what you can expect.

Raynes & Lawn Trial Lawyers has decades of experience guiding clients through birth injury cases. Our talented and dedicated attorneys can give you personalized and strategic attention. Call our offices today at 1-800-535-1797 for your free consultation. 

Understanding Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injuries and Legal Options

Shoulder dystocia is a rare but serious complication that can occur during childbirth. It happens when a baby’s shoulders get stuck in the birth canal after the head has been delivered. This can lead to various injuries, some of which may have long-lasting effects on your child’s health and well-being. As a parent, it’s crucial to understand your legal rights and options in such situations.

Tip: Keep detailed records of all medical procedures and your child’s ongoing health issues related to the birth injury.

The Role of a Philadelphia Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury Lawyer

Navigating the legal landscape of birth injury cases can be daunting, which is why many families turn to experienced legal professionals. A Philadelphia shoulder dystocia birth injury lawyer can help you understand your rights, gather necessary evidence, and guide you through the complex legal process. These attorneys are skilled in birth injury cases and have the skill set to evaluate the strength of your case.

Tip: When choosing a lawyer, look for someone with specific experience in shoulder dystocia cases in Pennsylvania.

Factors That Determine Whether Your Case Goes to Trial

Several factors influence whether a shoulder dystocia birth injury case will go to trial or be settled out of court. These include the severity of the injury, the clarity of liability, the willingness of the healthcare provider to negotiate, and the strength of the evidence. A shoulder dystocia birth injury attorney can assess these factors and advise you on the most appropriate action.

  • The severity of the injury and long-term prognosis

  • Clear evidence of medical negligence

  • The hospital’s or doctor’s willingness to settle

  • Strength of expert testimony

Tip: Be prepared for a potentially lengthy process, as complex medical cases can take time to resolve.

The Settlement Process in Shoulder Dystocia Cases

Many shoulder dystocia birth injury cases are resolved through settlements rather than trials. This process typically involves negotiations between your Philadelphia shoulder dystocia birth injury lawyer and the healthcare providers’ legal representatives. Settlements can offer a faster resolution and guaranteed compensation without the uncertainty of a trial.

Tip: Trust your birth injury attorney‘s guidance on accepting a settlement offer or proceeding to trial.

Preparing for the Possibility of a Trial

While many cases settle, it’s essential to be prepared for the possibility of going to trial. Your birth injury lawyer will help you gather all necessary medical records, expert opinions, and other evidence to build a strong case. They will also prepare you for depositions and potential courtroom testimony.

Tip: Stay organized and maintain open communication with your legal team throughout the process.

The Trial Process for Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury Cases

If your case goes to trial, it will involve several stages, including jury selection, opening statements, presentation of evidence, expert testimony, and closing arguments. Your shoulder dystocia attorney will present your case, arguing that the healthcare providers failed to meet the standard of care, resulting in your child’s injury. The defense will then present their side, and ultimately, the jury will decide the outcome.

Tip: Prepare yourself emotionally for the stress of a trial, and lean on your support system throughout the process.

The Importance of Expert Testimony in Birth Injury Trials

Expert testimony plays a crucial role in shoulder dystocia birth injury trials. Medical experts can explain complex medical concepts to the jury, demonstrate how the standard of care was breached, and provide professional opinions on the long-term impact of the injury. Your Philadelphia birth injury lawyer will work with respected experts to strengthen your case.

Tip: Ask your attorney about the experts’ qualifications they plan to use in your case.

Compensation in Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury Cases

Whether through settlement or trial, the goal is to secure fair compensation for your child’s injuries. This may include coverage for medical expenses, ongoing care and therapy, lost future earnings, and pain and suffering. A skilled birth injury attorney will work to ensure that any compensation awarded adequately addresses your child’s current and future needs.

Tip: Keep detailed records of all expenses related to your child’s injury to help calculate appropriate compensation.

How Raynes & Lawn Trial Lawyers Can Help

Navigating a shoulder dystocia birth injury case requires experienced legal guidance. The team at Raynes & Lawn Trial Lawyers has a deep understanding of these complex cases and a track record of success in representing families affected by birth injuries. Their Philadelphia shoulder dystocia birth injury lawyers can provide the support and skill set you need during this challenging time.

Tip: Schedule a consultation to discuss your case and understand your legal options.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long do shoulder dystocia birth injury cases typically take to resolve?

The timeline can vary significantly depending on the case’s complexity and whether it goes to trial and can take several years if they go to trial.

  1. What is the statute of limitations for filing a shoulder dystocia birth injury lawsuit in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations for birth injury cases is generally two years from the date of injury. However, minors have exceptions, so it’s crucial to consult with a Philadelphia birth injury attorney as soon as possible.

  1. How common are shoulder dystocia birth injuries?

Shoulder dystocia occurs in approximately 0.2% to 3% of all births. While not all cases result in injury, it’s a severe complication that requires immediate attention.

  1. Can I still pursue a case if my child’s shoulder dystocia injury was diagnosed recently, but the birth was years ago?

In Pennsylvania, you have two years from the date of injury or discovery to file a claim; however, a minor child has until their 20th birthday to file a birth injury claim.

  1. What types of compensation can be awarded in a successful shoulder dystocia birth injury case?

Compensation may include medical expenses, future care costs, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and sometimes punitive damages. A Philadelphia shoulder dystocia birth injury attorney can help you understand what types of compensation may be available in your case.

Work with a Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury Lawyer

Dealing with a shoulder dystocia birth injury can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. A knowledgeable Philadelphia shoulder dystocia birth injury lawyer can guide you through the legal process, whether your case settles or goes to trial. They can help protect your child’s rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for the injuries sustained.

Don’t hesitate to contact our talented and knowledgeable brachial plexus injury lawyers at Raynes & Lawn Trial Lawyers to protect your rights and your child’s future. Justice may be a long process, but the outcome and results our attorneys achieve can make a tremendous difference for your family. Call us today at 1(800) 535-1797 for more information.