What to Do If Your Child Has a Birth Injury?

If you have learned that your child suffered a birth injury, you likely want to know how it occurred and what you should do. There are multiple causes of birth injuries, and some are preventable. Here is some information from the birth injury attorneys at Raynes & Lawn.
Birth Injury Causes
Doctors and other medical providers are expected to meet the standard of care exercised by other professionals with the same level of experience practicing in the same region.
If they fail to meet the standard of care, they can be liable to pay damages to those who are injured as a result of their negligence.
Some of the common causes of birth injuries include the following:
- Delayed C-section
- Oxygen deprivation before, during, or following delivery
- Meconium aspiration
- Excessive force and trauma
You must act quickly when a birth injury occurs. Early intervention can improve your baby’s quality of life following a birth injury.
What To Do Following A Birth Injury
Once you learn that your child suffered a birth injury, you will want to determine whether it could have been prevented. Many birth injuries could be prevented by doctors and other medical professionals following the standard of care. Your birth trauma attorney at Raynes & Lawn can investigate what happened to determine whether your child’s birth injury was caused by medical negligence.
Types Of Birth Injuries That Might Be Caused By Negligence
The following birth injuries might be caused by medical negligence:
- Brain injuries
- Brachial plexus injuries
- Cerebral palsy
- Nerve damage
- Lethargy
- Seizures
- Spasticity
- Cranial nerve damage
- Facial paralysis
- Spinal cord damage
- Scalp bleeding
- Death
Types Of Early Intervention
Early intervention for birth injuries is critical. When a birth injury is promptly treated, the child might have a better prognosis. Birth injuries differ from child to child, so a tailored treatment plan that addresses your child’s injury and needs is an important first step. Your doctor should speak to you about the various treatment options and help to connect you with specialists.
Some of the common treatment options used to treat birth injuries are discussed below.
Many different types of medication can be used to treat birth injuries. They can help to manage seizures, pain, movement and muscle disorders, and more.
Surgery will not be necessary for every birth injury. However, it might be recommended if other treatments have been ineffective. Surgery might be indicated if the injury caused bone or muscle problems that cause pain or abnormalities.
Physical, emotional, speech and occupational therapy can all be helpful for treating children who have suffered birth injuries. Therapy might help your child to improve his or her ability to participate in daily activities and increase his or her independence.
Physical therapy helps to improve a child’s strength, muscle control, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Your child might also benefit from certain types of equipment, including splints, braces, or a wheelchair to improve his or her mobility.
Occupational therapy can be helpful for children with birth injuries by helping them overcome daily challenges. Occupational therapists might also help you to navigate the educational system and work to ensure your child is safe and comfortable.
Speech therapy might be appropriate if a child’s birth injury has affected his or her face and throat or has caused an intellectual disability that impacts speech. A speech therapist can help your child to learn how to communicate better. Speech therapy might also help with eating and swallowing problems.
Recreational therapy can help to improve a child’s emotional and physical wellbeing. As your child grows, it can be emotionally difficult if he or she feels like he or she cannot participate in activities with other children. Recreational therapy helps children to play, have fun, and develop connections with their peers. It is a great way to help children to learn and grow.
Family Education And Support
It can be overwhelming both mentally and physically to raise a child who has a birth injury. Taking care of your mental and physical health is a good way to help your child to succeed. Try to keep an open mind to the challenges you might face. Learn some positive coping mechanisms to help you through the hard times, and make sure to celebrate victories whenever they occur. Make sure to learn as much as you can about your child’s injury, and advocate for him or her whenever you need to do so. Get involved in a support group, and be sure and talk to a counselor if you need to do so.
Speak With A Child Injury Lawyer
No one is ever prepared to learn that their child has a birth injury. New parents and family members commonly experience overwhelming feelings of shock, sadness, confusion, and anger when they learn their babies have birth injuries. It is normal to experience these types of emotions. If you think that your child’s birth injury might have been caused by medical negligence, you should speak to a birth injury lawyer as soon as possible. Birth injury attorneys can help you determine whether your child’s injuries were caused by medical malpractice and help you understand your next steps.
Serious birth injuries might leave your child with an uncertain future, and you might face ongoing treatment costs because of your child’s injuries. If your child’s birth injuries were caused by preventable medical errors, you might be entitled to pursue compensation through a medical malpractice claim. Obtaining compensation might help you to pay for your child’s treatment needs and provide help to your child as he or she grows. To learn more about your case and the legal remedies that might be available to you and your family, contact Raynes & Lawn today at 1-800-535-1797.
Get Help from an Experienced Injury Attorney
If you have lost your limb in an accident caused by someone else or while working on the job, you should speak to an experienced injury lawyer at Raynes & Lawn. Our team of attorneys is experienced in handling catastrophic injury claims, and we work hard to help our clients recover maximal compensation for their injuries and losses. Call us today at 1-800-535-1797 to request a free consultation.
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