Motorcycle Accidents: What To Do Before, During and After A Crash In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is known for its scenic routes, making it an ideal state for motorcyclists to travel. While the state’s beauty draws numerous motorcyclists, riding on motorcycles carries a high degree of risk. Motorcyclists do not have the same degree of protection as other motorists, and they are much more likely to sustain catastrophic injuries or be killed when they are involved in accidents. In 2019 alone, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reported that there were 2,977 motorcycle collisions, and 175 of these accidents were fatal. To better protect yourself, it is important for you to know what to do before, during, and after a motorcycle crash. Here is some information from the motorcycle accident lawyers at Raynes & Lawn to help you be prepared in case you are involved in a motorcycle wreck.
Before An Accident: Make Sure You Have The Right Insurance
While all motorcyclists are required to carry insurance in Pennsylvania, you should also consider purchasing additional types of policies. Your motorcycle insurance will pay for your injuries and the damage to your motorcycle up to the policy limits. Purchasing a policy with higher bodily injury coverage is a good idea.
You should also consider purchasing life insurance to protect your loved ones in the event that you are killed in a motorcycle wreck. While many people are able to walk away from motorcycle accidents, others are not as fortunate. Having a life insurance policy in place might give you peace of mind that your loved ones will be financially protected in case the unthinkable happens.
Before A Motorcycle Accident: Preparing
Before you ride, you should always take a few steps to reduce your chances of an accident. Make sure your tires have good tread and enough air. Check all of the lights and signals to make sure they are functioning properly. Always wear protective gear whenever you ride, including a DOT-certified helmet with eye protection, motorcycle gloves, motorcycle boots, a jacket, and sturdy pants. Store your insurance cards and a list of your emergency contacts where someone can easily find them if you are injured in a motorcycle wreck. Do not rely on your glove box as it might break apart in a wreck. Instead, consider taping your contact and insurance information to the shoulder pads of your motorcycle jacket and zip-tie copies to a frame rail of your motorcycle.
Make sure to follow all traffic laws when you ride. Pay attention to what the motorists around you are doing at all times, and look forward down the road to see whether anyone on a side street might be preparing to turn left onto the road so that you might have enough time to take defensive action to avoid a collision.
What To Do During A Motorcycle Wreck
Many people who have been involved in motorcycle accidents say that they knew that they were going to crash before they did. Slow the bike as much as possible with your brakes. If possible, try to pick the spot for the wreck to occur. If you know that you cannot avoid a collision, do not grasp onto the handlebars. Instead, let go of them so that you will not be crushed by your bike as you are going down.
Try to remain low to the ground, tuck in your legs and arms, fall on your back, and attempt to roll. Do not reach out with your arms to try to brace yourself. If you do, you are much likelier to suffer fractures. Attempt to relax your body so that you might be able to minimize your injuries. Once you have come to a stop, count to five before you attempt to get up. This can give you a chance to regain your balance.
After A Motorcycle Accident: What To Do
After a motorcycle crash, there are several things that you should do. If you are alone, try to move to a safe location and call for help. If you are involved in a collision with another motorist, try to take photos of the motorist’s license plate number and the vehicle’s make and model. You should also photograph the damage to both your motorcycle and the other involved vehicle and important details from the accident scene, including tire marks, nearby speed limit signs or mile markers, the weather conditions, and the road conditions.
If anyone else saw your wreck, you should ask them to remain and tell the police what happened. Ask for their names and contact information so that your Philadelphia motorcycle accident attorney can contact them later. Ask for their full names, phone numbers, and addresses.
After the police and first responders arrive, tell the officers what happened. Then, seek medical attention immediately. You might have injuries that may not show symptoms for days, and getting immediate medical help can help you to get a correct diagnosis of your injuries and help your recovery process.
After you have sought medical attention, write down as much as you can recall about your motorcycle collision as soon as you can. Write down anything you can remember about what might have contributed to the wreck, including debris in the road, inclement weather, anything the other motorist did, and other details.
The next thing you should do is to contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer at Raynes & Lawn. Having an attorney to represent you from the start might make a big difference in your case’s outcome. Then, call your insurance company to report your accident. Try to keep the information you provide to a minimum. If the company has questions, let them know that you have an attorney, and provide your lawyer’s information.
Finally, avoid talking about your motorcycle collision on social media. If you post about what happened, the insurance company might use what you say to try to deny your claim.
Get Help From An Experienced Philadelphia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
If you have been injured in a motorcycle collision, getting legal help as soon as possible might make a difference in the outcome of your accident claim. A Philadephia motorcycle accident attorney at Raynes & Lawn might handle the communications with the insurance company for you so that you can concentrate on your recovery. Call us today for a free consultation at 1-800-535-1797.
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