Category: Birth Injury

What Is An Umbilical Cord Prolapse?

During a normal birth, a baby comes out before the umbilical cord. An umbilical cord prolapse is when that order is reversed, and the umbilical cord comes out before or alongside the baby. This happens in about one in 620 births. An umbilical cord prolapse is a serious medical emergency with a mortality rate of […]

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What Causes Cephalopelvic Disproportion?

What is Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)? During labor and delivery, a baby has to pass through the narrow opening in the mother’s pelvis. Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) is a condition where the baby has trouble getting through the birth canal because of the size of the baby’s head, the baby’s position, or the size or shape of […]

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What Is Involved In a Toxic Tort Claim?

What is a Toxic Tort? A “toxic tort” is a legal term that refers to the harm caused by toxic substances. A tort is a wrongful act that is treated differently than a crime. Instead of the wrongdoer being prosecuted in a criminal court and maybe getting fined or sent to jail, the wrongdoer is […]

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What Is Mixed Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a condition caused by damage to parts of the brain that affect movement and coordination. The brain damage usually happens before or during birth but can also occur shortly after birth. Cerebral palsy may be mild, moderate, or severe. Symptoms vary depending on what parts of the brain were damaged, but […]

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Medications That Cause Birth Defects

Some prescription medications can be extremely dangerous when taken by pregnant women. These drugs can harm the developing fetus and cause life-altering birth defects. At the same time, pregnant women may have or develop medical conditions that do need to be treated with prescription drugs. In that situation, the woman’s doctor is responsible for ensuring […]

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