Seeking Justice for Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Philadelphia Guide

Child suffered a traumatic birth injury and parents in need of a traumatic birth injury lawyer in Pennsylvania


Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy is one of the most severe forms of cerebral palsy, with symptoms that affect all four limbs to varying degrees. This blog post serves as a guide for Philadelphia families seeking justice and support after a loved one develops spastic quadriplegia due to preventable errors during labor and delivery.


Raynes & Lawn Trial Lawyers has decades of experience guiding clients through birth injury cases. Our talented and dedicated attorneys can give you personalized and strategic attention. Call our offices today at 1-800-535-1797for your free consultation.

Understanding Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy

Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy (CP) refers to the subtype of CP marked by muscle stiffness and tightness (spasticity) in all four limbs—both arms and both legs. This is typically caused by damage to the developing brain during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or shortly after birth. According to research, patterns of brain injury lead to motor dysfunction, which impacts the entire body, limiting mobility and independence.


While cerebral palsy encompasses a group of disorders, spastic quadriplegia is known to be the most physically limiting form. The National Institute of Health explains that injurious events disrupt normal brain development, explicitly damaging the pyramidal tracts controlling motor function. This manifests in increased tightness and muscle weakness, making the intentional movement of all four limbs extremely difficult from early life onward.

The Role of Preventable Medical Errors

Experts estimate that 10-20% of cerebral palsy cases stem from avoidable medical errors rather than congenital causes. Hypoxia, when an infant’s brain receives inadequate oxygen during the birthing process, accounts for nearly 15% of all CP cases. Related events like placental abruption, umbilical cord accidents, birth trauma, or delayed emergency C-sections demonstrate recognizable negligence, according to research.


When such mistakes lead to spastic quadriplegia specifically, effects on the child’s life expectancy and quality of life both prove stark. Lifelong total care assistance often becomes necessary, accompanied by additional supportive measures. However, just because an adverse outcome occurs does not necessarily indicate negligence. A thorough investigation helps determine if malpractice led to preventable injury.


The Role of a Philadelphia Traumatic Birth Injury Lawyer

When Pennsylvania families face this situation after labor and delivery, a Philadelphia traumatic birth injury lawyer can prove invaluable. These attorneys are explicitly experienced in investigating events causing neurological damage and quadriplegic cerebral palsy. They operate on behalf of affected children and parents to determine what went wrong and whether just financial compensation can be obtained.


Experienced medical malpractice lawyers devote their practices to this complex subtype of personal injury law. They commit to helping clients understand if what happened was foreseeable and preventable. Cerebral palsy lawyers also manage interactions with insurers and identify potential settlements or courtroom resolutions. Although no financial remedy fixes the damage, accountability and restitution, remain fully warranted.


Evaluating Medical Records and Events

The first step a Philadelphia traumatic birth injury lawyer takes is thoroughly evaluating all medical evidence available. This includes prenatal records, details of labor and delivery, postpartum care notes, and early pediatrics records indicating CP diagnosis. Lawyers analyze these documents alongside reliable medical research to construct a timeline of contributing factors. Identifying exactly when oxygen deprivation began and whether intervention adhered to or diverged from standard protocol proves essential.


Building a solid case requires distinguishing between unavoidable complications and human or systemic failures enabling negligence. If any deviation from reasonable standards of care appears capable of causing spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, families have grounds to pursue justice.


Determining Liability in Spastic Quadriplegia Cases

Common examples of lapses potentially causing spastic quadriplegia include:


  • Failure to monitor fetal heart rate changes indicates distress

  • Delayed emergency C-section when warranted

  • Errors in administering anesthesia or medications during delivery

  • Birth trauma from improper use of birthing instruments

  • Critical post-delivery delays addressing signs of oxygen deprivation


When poor judgment, inattention, or inadequate skill prompt any of these mistakes, once a baby exhibits signs of danger, liability frequently falls upon specific healthcare providers or the hospital itself. A thorough investigation by a birth injury lawyer considers all contributing factors during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period immediately following delivery.


Additional Damages

Alongside spastic quadriplegia itself, affected children often face a range of lifelong effects, decreasing their quality of life. From chronic pain and respiratory issues to gastrointestinal problems, seizures, speech impediments, and more, extensive care needs increase families’ financial and emotional burden exponentially.


In successful medical malpractice cases, various damage categories may justify financial compensation through structured settlements or other arrangements. Besides reimbursing current and projected medical costs, damages address lost future income, accessibility accommodations, customized transportation needs, and home or vehicle modifications for permanent disabilities attributable to the negligent injury.


Statute of Limitations in Pennsylvania

For Pennsylvania birth injury cases, time limit considerations apply, which families should recognize when considering their legal options. State law enforces strict cutoffs regarding:

  • Filing deadlines to open medical malpractice claims

  • Final age limits regarding cases involving minors


Specifically, injury matters involving medical negligence must be filed within Pennsylvania civil court within two years from the date of injury at maximum. However, allowances are extended in cases involving children due to their minority status. Families then have until a child plaintiff turns age 20 to pursue legal action regarding birth-related cerebral palsy.


Finding the Right Lawyer for Your Case

Due to intricate legal and medical details surrounding CP cases, finding an attorney equally capable of negotiating hospital administrations and proving causation in courtrooms often proves essential. Qualities making for effective representation include:


  • Deep experience with birth injury litigation and past case successes

  • Close partnerships with reputable medical experts

  • Commitment to compassionately guiding families through the legal process

  • Willingness to help clients access necessary treatment and interventions

  • Acceptance of medical malpractice cases on a contingency fee basis


When selecting a Philadelphia spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy birth injury attorney to pursue negligence, focus on experience alongside the client approach. Prior success securing settlements or verdicts for spastic quadriplegia clients further speaks to an attorney’s specific skill set. Alignment between a lawyer’s values and sincerity also helps ensure families facing such adversity feel fully supported while seeking accountability.


Choosing to Pursue Accountability and Justice

The decision to press forward with a medical malpractice claim paired with a spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy diagnosis understandably weighs heavy on affected children and caregivers alike. Such matters ultimately remain deeply personal family choices requiring consideration of individual circumstances and readiness for potentially tricky litigation.


Yet when preventable mistakes forever change innocent lives filled with potential, justice often warrants determined pursuit. No financial award erases grave harm wrongly done, but accountability and tangible restitution to fund unique care needs surely provide justified recourse. With experienced counsel proficient in such cases, reversal of hardship may prove partially possible.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy Cases

Families exploring their options after preventable medical error leads to spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy likely share common concerns. Some frequent questions facing victims include:


  1. What Sort Of Compensation Is Reasonably Possible In My Child’s Situation?

Possible compensation varies based on factors like specifics of injury and impairment, the strength of causation evidence confirming negligence, and parties sharing liability. Yet seven or eight-figure settlements prove fairly common for profound, permanent damage.

  1. How Can Lawyers Work With Our Family If We’re Already So Overwhelmed?

Reputable attorneys make client well-being a priority. They seek to minimize added stress during litigation through compassionate communication, eagerly explaining legal processes in accessible terms. They also help coordinate medical care, therapy, and equipment acquisition as needed.


  1. What Will Legal Action Realistically Demand From Our Child And Family?

While the law firm leads filings, evidence gathering, and negotiations, families’ involvement remains critical. However, most core legal work happens behind the scenes. Testimony typically only requires meeting with attorneys and medical experts versus court appearances.


  1. What Portion Of Settlement Typically Goes Towards Legal Fees?

Philadelphia traumatic birth injury lawyers traditionally accept medical malpractice cases on a contingency fee basis. This structures payment as a percentage (30-40% Industry standard) of the final settlement amount. No upfront fees apply. Both parties share motivation toward maximum claim value.


  1. How Long Do These Cases Generally Take To Resolve?

Duration varies case-by-case depending on the complexity of the alleged negligence and the defense’s willingness to negotiate settlement offers. However, the timeline often lasts around 12-18 months from the first consultation through finalization.


An Ally Alongside Your Family

At the law offices of Raynes & Lawn, a collaborative team of compassionate Philadelphia traumatic birth injury lawyers stands ready to evaluate birth injury cases, determine grounds for negligence, and develop a multi-pronged legal strategy personalized for your family’s pursuit of justice. We firmly believe in leveraging our three decades of supporting locally injured patients and clients to secure fairness for those gravely affected by avoidable errors.


Don’t hesitate to contact our talented and knowledgeable birth injury lawyers at Raynes & Lawn Trial Lawyers to protect your rights and your child’s future. Justice may be a long process, but the outcome and results our attorneys achieve can make a tremendous difference for your family. Call us today at 1(800) 535-1797 for more information.