Does Texting While Driving Really Cause Crashes?

A just-released study confirmed what was already suspected—that texting bans are effective in reducing car crashes. States with a texting-while-driving ban realized a 4 percent annual reduction in ER visits for car accidents caused by distracted driving, revealed the study.
Published in AJPH, a periodical of the American Public Health Association, the study was conducted by the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health, College Station. Researchers analyzed data from emergency rooms in 16 U.S. States from 2007 to 2014.
“On average, states saw 1,632 fewer traffic-related emergency room visits per year after implementing a texting ban, the new study found,” noted Reuters. States with primary enforcement—which allows officers to pull over a car when the driver’s only violation is operating a phone—saw even greater reductions. In those cases, there was an 8 percent drop in crash-related ER visits. In addition, states targeting only young drivers realized a 40 percent reduction in car accidents caused by texting.
According to the article, “it is crystal clear from research in cars outfitted with internal cameras that taking one’s eyes off the road to engage with a phone drastically increases the risk of a crash,” said Dr. M. Kit Delgado of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. As a natural outcome, victims have a right to sue when crashes are caused by texting while driving in Pennsylvania.
If you or a loved one are a victim of a car accident caused by texting while driving in Pennsylvania, talk to us. Our experienced team works with design engineers, safety experts, and leading industry specialists.