Category: Uncategorized

birth injury in Philadelphia and feet of baby in the arms of mother

5 Steps to Take After a Perinatal Stroke in Philadelphia

Understanding Life After a Perinatal Stroke Diagnosis in Philadelphia   When parents receive the unexpected and life-changing news that their newborn infant has suffered a perinatal stroke, it understandably triggers a wide range of intense emotions – grief, anxiety, anger, shock. However, with compassionate medical and community support, research-backed information on what to anticipate, and […]

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hospital bed in Philadelphia with a baby in it's bed with a catastrophic birth injury

What Are Catastrophic Traumatic Birth Injuries?

  Catastrophic traumatic birth injuries are severe injuries that occur to a newborn during the labor and delivery process. These injuries can have life-long impacts and often result in disabilities or impairment. Some examples of catastrophic traumatic birth injuries include cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injuries, spinal cord injuries, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).   Raynes & […]

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cerebral palsy birth injury victim with mom and in need of a traumatic birth injury lawyer

Risks in Cerebral Palsy Cases: What Families Must Avoid

  Cerebral palsy is a disorder caused by damage to or lack of development of motor areas in the brain that impacts body movement and muscle coordination. While there is no cure, treatment, and supportive care can help those with cerebral palsy live fulfilled lives. However, families must understand and avoid certain risks to ensure […]

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