Category: Birth Injury

Developmental Delays from Birth Injuries

Healthy infants, toddlers, and young children are expected to develop specific physical, mental, and social skills and abilities within certain age ranges. These skills are called “developmental milestones.” For example, babies are expected to be able to lift their heads and support their upper bodies while on their backs at the age of three months, […]

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What Is Wrongful Birth?

Birth defects are fairly common, occurring in one out of 33 babies in the United States. Doctors and other medical professionals have a legal obligation to inform parents about known risks that their child may have a birth defect. Medical providers who withhold this information from parents, who fail to perform necessary prenatal tests, or […]

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Understanding Spina Bifida Birth Defects

What is Spina Bifida? Spina bifida is a birth defect that affects a baby’s spine. In the United States, spina bifida is the most common type of birth defect that causes permanent disabilities. It occurs early in the mother’s pregnancy, usually within the first month — often before the mother even knows she is pregnant. […]

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Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) and Cerebral Palsy

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a type of brain injury that affects newborns. The cause of HIE is oxygen deprivation (also called “asphyxia”) that occurs during labor or delivery or during pregnancy in the weeks leading up to birth. The lack of oxygen kills brain cells and destroys brain tissues. The resulting brain damage can […]

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